Tips for Caring for a Cashmere Baby Blanket

Nothing beats the super soft feel of cashmere. A cashmere baby blanket provides comfort and warmth for the baby and mom. If you care for your cashmere baby blanket by following these tips, they can last from the crib to college.
How to wash a cashmere baby blanket?
As soon as you notice a stain, wipe it gently with cold water and a mild detergent, but never try to remove it. When you're ready to wash the entire blanket, it's a good idea to wash your hands.
Fill a clean basin or sink with cold water, then add a small amount of mild soap or detergent for wool care. Shake the surrounding water to mix the detergent. If the blanket smells bad, add a few tablespoons of vinegar. After brushing all the additions, put in the blanket and press gently so the soapy water seeps through the blanket. Let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes.
When the blanket has been soaked long enough, drain the sink and refill it with clean, cold water. Gently tie and loosen the blanket until all the detergent runs out of the blanket.
Important hint:
Do not pull, stretch or twist cashmere. To make sure the soapy water has soaked through the blanket, you can lightly knead it and let it float again. The same goes for rinsing.
Never try to wipe off the stain
Never use hot water
Never put cashmere in the dryer.
Never hang a cashmere baby blanket to dry -- always lay it flat
After rinsing the blanket, empty the basin again and press down on the blanket to remove excess water. Carefully remove the blanket from the sink and lay it flat on a clean, dry towel. Roll up the towel and press to squeeze out more moisture. Unroll the towel and transfer the blanket to another dry, clean towel. Gently roll out the blanket in the correct shape without pulling or stretching it, and let it air dry.
If you must, you can iron the cashmere blanket in a lower position, placing a clean white cloth between the iron and the blanket.
How to store your cashmere baby blanket?
Wool needs to breathe, but it also needs to be protected from pests, moisture, and sunlight. If you're not going to use the blanket for a while, store it in a ventilated bag or box after it's completely dry to keep insects and moisture out. Keep it in a cool place - heat can damage cashmere.
These tips for caring for a cashmere baby blanket should help make it last long, perhaps even until it's passed on to your adult baby's child. If you want to buy a baby blanket, please contact us. is a professional custom children's knitwear manufacturer. We have a modern professional children's knitwear processing factory, mainly focusing on children's clothing manufacturing for many years. We offer children's clothing such as baby, boy and girl jumpsuits, baby suits and sweaters. In addition, we also provide accessories such as hats, headbands, blankets, socks, etc.